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LiveHelpNow - New Releases and Updates

In this blog, you will find the most up-to-date information about our company’s product releases, software updates, and service improvements. Its purpose is to provide you with all the information you need to make the most of our offerings.

Voice Chat Feature Facilitates Better Connection With Customers

11/15/2022       By: Natalya Bucuy

Alexander Graham Bell spent most of his life working with the deaf. His mother lost most of her hearing due to a childhood illness and his wife was completely deaf. In his work as a speech therapist a...

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Workforce Management: Simple Tool for Time and Shift Tracking

06/28/2022       By: Natalya Bucuy

Workforce management in a contact center environment can be a stressful endeavor. At times, managing agents’ log-ins and log-outs, shifts, breaks, and holidays can truly feel like herding cats.  I...

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Sneak Peek Feature: Superpower of Live Chat Communications

05/16/2022       By: Natalya Bucuy

We are all obsessed with the idea of superpowers. From flying to invisibility and mindreading – the fantasy that we can do and be more than just an ordinary human is fascinating. Well, flying an...

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Smarter Chatbot for Smoother Customer Experience

05/16/2022       By: Natalya Bucuy

It’s always nice to talk to someone intelligent. Whether it be a person or a robot.  In the ever-changing customer support tech world, companies must maintain the balance between automation and hum...

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Rebranding for Better Customer Support Agent Experience

03/30/2022       By: Natalya Bucuy

“Who are we?” It seems like a simple question. But it isn’t. It holds a lot of power as it prompts some serious soul digging. What does the question ask, exactly –  our name, what we do, ...

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2022 Look Ahead: LiveHelpNow’s Upcoming Software Updates

12/12/2021       By: Natalya Bucuy

So, we all remember 2020 that lasted a decade, right? And then 2021, that felt flew by in a blink of an eye?  We here at LiveHelpNow sure had a very eventful 2021. We upgraded our Agent Workspace, re...

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The Year After the Apocalypse: Software Releases 2021

12/12/2021       By: Natalya Bucuy

We all love a good apocalypse movie, right? Or at least we did until we actually lived one in the real world.  One thing we don’t get to see in many such films is what happens after the brave heroe...

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DIY Chatbot User Interface: Build Your Own Chatbot

11/02/2021       By: Natalya Bucuy

There is nothing better than feeling understood.  Customer service representatives know the needs of their customers. They interact with them daily and they understand their pain points, the solution...

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Real-time Customer Feedback That Can Save Your Business: Webhook System

11/02/2021       By: Natalya Bucuy

When your significant other breaks up with you, it hurts like hell. All you want to do is get him or her back. Or, at the very least, understand why he or she left you.  When a customer leaves you...

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New Agent Workspace for Better Agent Experience

09/30/2021       By: Natalya Bucuy

Alright, folks! It’s storytime! The year was 1878. In a laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey a very determined scientist and his staff set out to complete a project. The group’s goal was to create...

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“Between the quality of the package and the enthusiasm of the people behind it, I feel like the sky’s the limit with this company.”
- Joel Levin, VP of Support