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2022 Look Ahead: LiveHelpNow’s Upcoming Software Updates

So, we all remember 2020 that lasted a decade, right? And then 2021, that felt flew by in a blink of an eye? 

We here at LiveHelpNow sure had a very eventful 2021. We upgraded our Agent Workspace, released some new products, and modernized many of our features. Most importantly, the new software releases our development team brought forward made us all proud and helped our customers serve their customers. Score!

Well, in the words of the great McFadden & Whitehead, “Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now (We’re on the move!).” After hearing some great things from our customers about our continuous upgrades, we’re even more excited for 2022. We think our customers will be as well, as we do have some very exciting things planned. 

Intrigued? Here’s what’s in store for the upcoming year. 

Full Launch Of The New Agent Workspace. 

Here at LiveHelpNow, we’re firm believers that customer experience stems from agent experience. Agents simply cannot deliver great customer service if they do not have the right tools. And when they do have the right tools, they not only can do their jobs better, they want to do their jobs better. Just because they become more motivated and productive. 

In 2021, we released our new Agent Workspace to our chat-only customers. In 2022, we will complete our overhaul and deliver the Agent Workspace interface to every customer with all of our fully functioning features. 

The finished interface will feature modern design and fast and seamless functionality. This will create an amazing agents’ experience, making them more efficient than ever before. Chat, SMS, ticket, Facebook Messenger, email, callbacks, and voice conversations can all be integrated through the workspace. 

Zoom Phone Integration

Remember this hilarious mishap? ????

Business boomed for companies supporting remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic. But none grew as fast as video call conferencing software, Zoom. During 2020, Zoom’s sales grew by over 320 percent. (If anyone goes back to 2019 any time soon, buy Zoom stock for sure!) 

So, it only made sense for us to work Zoom into LiveHelpNow’s functionality. We’re already integrated Zoom video into our system so agents can switch from live chat to video conference anytime during a conversation with a customer. In 2022, customers using the Zoom Phone platform will be able to integrate all of their communications channels through LiveHelpNow. This will entail a Zoom Phone integration that will add voice to our omnichannel systems. Agents will be able to manage voice, chats, tickets, and more through LiveHelpNow with best-in-class analytics of the entire omnichannel spectrum. Our Agent Workspace will be gracefully tied into the Zoom phone interface. 

Can you hear us now? You will! ????

Reporting and Workforce Management Enhancements

In the digital world, data is power. 

We want to give our customers all the power we can to run their business in the best possible way. So when it comes to analytics we want to make sure we give them state-of-the-art tools. 

In 2022, analytics are definitely on our software updates list. We will be modernizing, enhancing, and improving our reporting and analytics platform. We will also introduce additional tools to help supervisors manage their customer support teams to improve staffing and efficiency. Power to the people!

Modernized and Customizable Chat Window 

Our live chat system is really our bread and butter here at LiveHelpNow. So we want to ensure that our chat widget is as perfect as it can possibly be. We will be overhauling the embedded widget, giving it a new, fresh, and modern look. We will make it easier for our customers to customize the colors and the branding options. Additionally, we will implement a smoother integration with our Knowledge Base product. 

Chat-to-Voice Connection 

While today’s customers love live chat and text, phone chat is not dead. Our next year’s software updates plan includes chat-to-voice connection. What that means is that if an agent is connected to someone via live chat but needs to switch the conversation to a voice call, it can be converted to voice right through the LiveHelpNow interface. This will prevent the need to make a separate phone call. The efficient ability to switch will make helping customers easier than ever. 

Bot API Calls 

In 2021, we focused on improving some of our software features to accommodate the growing demand for self-service. Our software updates included the Ticket Support System and Customer Support Portal. We also improved our ticket API system. API connects two different software applications so they can talk to each other. In our case, it integrates any external system with our ticket support system. 

Next year, we will be expanding these functions to our chatbot. Our chatbot will be able to call for information in your systems, such as a customer’s order status, for example. This way, customers can get a great self-help experience and your agents won’t be tied up looking up information that’s easy to automate. WISMOs (Where is My Order) and similar simple questions to your live agents will slowly fade away. 

Software Updates 2022: Integrations, Automation, and Continuous Modernization

One of the most important things about running a business in the increasingly digital world is staying current. We are committed to our customers and to both, their agent experience and their customer experience. As we ring in the new year, we strive to continue improving our software and keeping it fresh, modern, and better than ever before. 

We’re excited. Are you?

About The Author

Natalya Bucuy

Natalya Bucuy is a content marketer at LiveHelpNow. With expertise in customer service and marketing, she has written nu...

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