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LiveHelpNow - Small Business Blog

This blog provides valuable insights and actionable strategies to help small businesses thrive in today’s competitive landscape. From marketing and support to operations and beyond, our aim is to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed.

Design Tips to Revamp Your Website

02/23/2016       By: Natalya Bucuy

Everyone dreams about starting fresh for the new year. Why not give your business the same opportunity with a new look for your website? With brick and mortar and eccommerce operations alike, an incre...

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Making Readers Feel: Using Emotion to Promote Your Content and Brand

01/13/2016       By: Natalya Bucuy

Few marketers would disagree that emotion drives response. Yet pulling off a successful emotionally engaging campaign, especially for smaller brands with less name recognition, is easier said than don...

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The Art of Promoting Your Brand via Niche Influencers

12/02/2015       By: Natalya Bucuy

If quality content is the heart of content marketing, then engagement is its arteries. If you’ve given content marketing a go, hopefully you’ve identified your target audience, delineated its uniq...

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10 Travel Instagrams Worth the Follow

11/16/2015       By: Natalya Bucuy

Because (apparently) we can’t all be professional travelers, Instagram is bursting with eye candy inspiration for your next getaway or daydream. We may not be able to physically follow these adventu...

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Why Niche Content Marketing Trumps SEO Every Time

11/09/2015       By: Natalya Bucuy

There has been much ado about Search Engine Optimization. Knowing that most customers rarely get past the first page of search results, companies have been quick to invest in SEO, the process of maki...

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Live Chat is Dead: Long Live the Text!

09/29/2015       By: Natalya Bucuy

Yes, you read that correctly. LiveHelpNow, the chat software company is declaring that traditional chat for customer service is a thing of the past. Have you ever been on a website and needed to ask ...

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Should you outsource your customer service and sales teams?

09/28/2015       By: Natalya Bucuy

Customer service teams are notoriously major cost centers in any business. Between training people, paying their salaries, and spending countless hours solving customer problems- those numbers start t...

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How Cloud Technology is Shaping SMBs Productivity

08/05/2015       By: Natalya Bucuy

Long time back ‘Cloud Computing’ entered the world of technology. Since, then hosted services are used by billions of corporations from all around the world. The capabilities of cloud computing ha...

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Are Your Spelling Mistakes Costing You Customers?

12/23/2014       By: Natalya Bucuy

They say you only get one shot at a first impression. In the world of customer service, that first impression often comes in the form of text, and where there’s text- there’s massive spell...

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7 Reasons You Should Invest in Knowledgebase Software

12/09/2014       By: Natalya Bucuy

Having a knowledge management system is no longer optional. In fact, even if you haven’t specifically thought about it, your company probably already has some sort of knowledge management system (a...

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“Between the quality of the package and the enthusiasm of the people behind it, I feel like the sky’s the limit with this company.”
- Joel Levin, VP of Support