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Can you be the world’s most Pinteresting business?

07/12/2012       By: Natalya Bucuy

I don’t always use social media, but when I do I prefer…Pinterest? Lots of media has circulated around Pinterest as a great social media marketing tool, but for some industries the picture-sharing...

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7 ways to speed up customer service and reduce churn

07/10/2012       By: Natalya Bucuy

Your customers are all busy people. When something breaks — a payment not received, a shipment delayed, faulty merchandise shipped — you will have to fix it as soon as you can. The faster ...

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Companies who invest in customer experience reap rich rewards

07/05/2012       By: Natalya Bucuy

If you have been reading this blog for any amount of time, you may have noticed a recurring theme. We passionately believe that only those companies providing a brilliant customer experience will be a...

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7 reasons excellent customer experience can be your ace in the hole

06/25/2012       By: Natalya Bucuy

Can I make an informed guess? The economy is terrible and you are staring across at the competition, sitting pretty on a pile of cash. On the surface, things don’t look good. But what if I told ...

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Automatically send customers their chat transcript and invite them to take a survey

06/07/2012       By: Natalya Bucuy

Looking for an easy way to connect with your customers? Remind them of their positive experience with your brand by sending them a copy of their latest chat transcript. You can even link a survey to t...

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7 strategies for getting word of mouth advertising from customers

05/22/2012       By: Natalya Bucuy

A good word from customers to their friends and family is worth its weight in gold for you, the marketer. It’s the most effective form of marketing in terms of ROI and also the most sustainable....

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7 reasons why phones should not be your primary customer service channel

05/15/2012       By: Natalya Bucuy

If you are like most small businesses, you will have a phone support option that is either operated in-house or outsourced to a third party call center. In many cases, that’s the only support op...

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Provide excellent customer service without wasting time

05/08/2012       By: Natalya Bucuy

With the LiveHelpNow HelpOut Tab® you can point customers with routine support questions to online help before they can pick up the phone to call you. With over 8,000 customer accounts, LiveHelpNow ...

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7 ways you can stop customers from getting buyer’s remorse

03/26/2012       By: Natalya Bucuy

“I think you should have looked around. You would have gotten a better deal” If you are a salesperson nothing is scarier than these words spoken to your customer by their spouse, colleague...

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iPhone App for the Live Chat System

03/21/2012       By: Natalya Bucuy

Our new iPhone App is now available to LiveHelpNow Live Chat System subscribers in the iPhone App Store free of charge! For the first time, you can have the LiveHelpNow experience in the palm of you...

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“Between the quality of the package and the enthusiasm of the people behind it, I feel like the sky’s the limit with this company.”
- Joel Levin, VP of Support