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Chat Sentiment Analysis is Here


A common issue that people have with texting, emails, and live chat alike is that it’s hard to read how the person you’re talking to is feeling. Unless they’re padding their messages with exclamations and smiley faces- how can you know they’re happy? If they’re not outwardly saying that they’re upset- how can you fix the situation? At LiveHelpNow, we’ve thought about these things, and we’re proud to present the answer to your problems: Sentiment Analysis.

Here’s a simple scenario to explain what Sentiment Analysis can do for your company:

It all starts when potential customers are browsing your page. Your operators begin to engage those individuals in chat, hoping to either solve a problem or make a sale. Your operators may be chatting with multiple individuals at once, and this may leave them unaware of the customers’ sentiments. Admins can’t monitor every chat, so customers may be getting upset with an operator, and nobody will know it. LiveHelpNow’s sentiment analysis software uses complex logic to scan the text of all of your operators’ chats to detect a chatting customer’s sentiment, and can alert admins when that sentiment is negative. This then allows administrators to go in and perform whatever damage control may be necessary to quell the situation and make the sale.

While it’s unrealistic to expect to make every single customer happy all of the time, chat sentiment analysis allows you to weed out customers who aren’t happy and then assist them in a quick and efficient manor. Customers won’t know that their chats are being monitored for sentiment, so they will just see it as your company providing a superior customer service experience.

Don’t let your customers go unhappy- use the power of LiveHelpNow’s Chat Sentiment Analysis to your advantage today!

About The Author

Natalya Bucuy

Natalya Bucuy is a content marketer at LiveHelpNow. With expertise in customer service and marketing, she has written nu...

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