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Landline SMS Chat is Here!


We are happy to announce that we are rolling out a revolution customer service! The time has come to announce LiveHelpNow is now offering landline texting!

Why would your business need landline texting? Because sometimes live chat is not enough!

Have you ever asked a question via live chat on a website? The whole process is less than stellar. You launch the window, type out your question and wait. The agent starts to look for your answer and you get bored. You start thinking of all the things you could be doing instead. You browse the internet. You get distracted in a web of links and suddenly you realize the agent asked a qualifying question seven minutes ago and you didn’t respond yet. Now you are no closer to your answer and you can’t even distract yourself anymore because you’ll miss what the service rep has to say.

You are left thinking “I just want to get on with my life!” If you have live chat on your website, your customers are going through this same problem everyday.

It is a natural extension to your existing customer support channels

As @collinmathilde says in her article “Why SMS is the New Channel for Customer Support,” the text takes all the pains right out of the customer service process and benefits the company/customer relationship mutually. Here’s why.

It’s comfortable:

Your customers are very comfortable with text. Just about everybody texts these days. If my grandma can do it, your customers are very familiar with this process and likely prefer it. Don’t worry, if your customers prefer traditional live chat they still have that option.

It offers a competitive advantage:

By offering service via SMS, you offer your customers another way to reach you and another way to resolve their issues. By offering more customer service routes than your competitors, you encourage customers to give you their business over someone else.

It’s simple:

All you need is your current business landline, we take care of the rest. You won’t have to purchase business cell phones, and your chat operators won’t have to use their personal phones to help customers.

Higher volume and efficiency:

The expectations with text are more relaxed. A customer can text asking a question and continue to go on with daily activities. There is no need to sit and watch a screen eagerly awaiting a response. Response notifications let the customer know when their answer is delivered freeing the customer to respond or reference the information at their convenience. The dynamic of texting also allows your chat operators to handle many more customers at once, without the pressure of a live chat response.

Mobile should be mobile:

More than half of your customers are accessing your site on a mobile device. Chatting through a browser on a mobile device is a frustrating, tethering experience. It’s time your service is optimized for mobile. Texting is absolutely the optimum way to communicate via mobile.

Keep your insights:

When it comes to your analytical data, nothing changes. All of the same great analytics reports that you ran on your live chat can apply to text chats as well.

Read how to configure SMS chat for my LiveHelpNow account.


About The Author

Natalya Bucuy

Natalya Bucuy is a content marketer at LiveHelpNow. With expertise in customer service and marketing, she has written nu...

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