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The Year After the Apocalypse: Software Releases 2021

We all love a good apocalypse movie, right? Or at least we did until we actually lived one in the real world. 

One thing we don’t get to see in many such films is what happens after the brave heroes fight off the invading aliens. Or how everyone adjusts to a life without a deadly virus. (Ahem!) Well, we are all still working on the latter in our everyday life. But we thought it would be nice to let you know what we here at LiveHelpNow have been up to in the post-apocalyptic year of 2021. 

So here is a quick overview. To read more about each of the happenings below, simply click the links in each section. 

We Did Some Workspace Organizing and Redesigning ????️ 

Do you know what we love most here at LiveHelpNow? Our customers. If you read Michael’s story above you know that improving customer service with efficient and easy-to-use tools is at the root of what we do here at LiveHelpnow. That value still remains at the core of our operations. We have heard, time and again, that our customers, current and potential, value user interface and the ease with which agents can operate when using our software. 

So this year our updates included a complete redesign of the Admin Panel and the Operator’s Panel. These essential user interfaces are now called Admin Workspace and Agent Workspace respectively. Our team strived for a modern look and organized, functional layouts for both these user interfaces. Agent Workspace is currently undergoing its final beta testing and will be available to all customers in early 2022. We hope our customers agree that we achieved those goals. 

We Improved Tools for Better Customer Experience ⚒️

With workspaces organized, we also wanted to make sure we’re giving agents and admins using LiveHelpNow software the best tools to serve their customers. After all, we value not just our own customers’ experiences, but also our customers’ customer experience. 

One thing we did was create a comprehensive and easy-to-use interface for customers to create their own live chatbots. Now, admins can customize everything about how their chatbots look and function. They have the full power to design chatbots that best fit their customers’ needs. That, in turn, allows them to serve their customers in the best, most efficient way and provide an excellent and personalized customer experience. We also created an option for SMS chatbot, which allows businesses’ chatbots to communicate with customers via text. 

Additionally, we improved our webhook system. Webhooks are the connectors between customer service tools our clients use and their own CRMs. Our expanded webhook system now allows for setting up data transfers for ticket and callback updates as well as post-interaction survey results. For many, it means near real-time feedback from their customers. Companies can then use that information to better connect with their audiences and improve customer satisfaction. 

We Added More Self-Service Options ????

Today’s customer satisfaction often relies on how quickly customers can get what they want. Customers no longer contact companies via one communication channel. They crave omnichannel experience. When they want support, they want it then and there. And wherever they are is a great place to meet them. Our newest updates to LiveHelpNow’s ticket support system help you do just that, quickly and efficiently. 

We implemented options to include our ticket support system anywhere on a business’ website. Admins can now include it in their live chat widget or within their support portal system. Our new ticketing system APIs also allow all of a company’s systems to get updates when tickets get resolved or new information is added. Additionally, our updated ticket support system offers an Enterprise feature that allows you to create multiple ticket forms. You can create multiple ticket forms for different support requests. A billing inquiry form can ask different questions than a membership cancellation form, for example. The workflows for each form are different, can be routed, and make it easy to handle various requests through automation. 

We Upped Our Security Features ????

Our customers’ security is important to us. That is why one of our software releases that year included Single Sign-On authentication method and Two-Factor Authentification. Admins have full control over these security feature requirements for their agents to ensure the utmost security within their operations. 

Security Update

We Added Tools to Aid Agent Performance ????

When a company invests in a piece of technology it often does so with hopes to improve employee productivity, performance, and efficiency. We want to help them do just that. This year we introduced our new fun feature – KPI Dashboards.

The KPI Dashboard is a visibility and optimization tool for contact centers and customer support operations. 

Configuring and displaying all chat and ticket data from the LiveHelpNow software, the feature can help monitor and improve contact center KPIs. With just a few clicks, contact center operators can create attractive displays with clearly displayed real-time data. The tool employs the principles of competition and gamification, motivating and encouraging contact center agents. 

analytics dashboard

Another one of our performance-enhancing software releases this year included our updates to LiveHelpNow Mobile App. Designed for agents on the go, the app includes ticketing, SMS invite options, file requests, transfers, and multiple language selection options. 

We Launched Our Newsletter ????

Have you heard of The Omnichanneler? If you did, you know you now have something to look forward to every month. If you didn’t, drop what you’re doing and head to our blog page. There you can subscribe to our blog and our newsletter. During the first week of every month, we send out The Omnichanneler. In it, we update our subscribers on recent software releases and the latest blog posts that examine fresh topics of customer experience, communications, and other small business-related news. It’s truly not one to miss!

Our Team Grew and Blossomed ????

In case you missed the story of the humble beginnings of LiveHelpNow, know that it was solely orchestrated by our fearless CEO, Michael Kansky in his basement. (You can also read the story in Michael’s interview with Jerome Knyszewski for Authority Magazine.) Since then, many of us have happily joined LiveHelpNow. (And yes, we’re totally loving it.)

This year, we added two new members to the team. 

Annie Gary LiveHelpNow: software releases

Director of Customer Success, Annie Gray, joined us from Barcelona, Spain. She’s been leading our Customer Success team and connecting with our global customer base. With the many new software releases this year, she’s been busy training customers and ensuring that customers receive all the information they need to succeed using our products. 

Ray Tussing LiveHelpNow: software releases

We also welcomed our new Director of Business Development, Raymond Tussing from Dallas, Texas. He brought his extensive sales experience to the team. According to Ray himself, he loves connecting with our audiences and offering them all the benefits LiveHelpNow software can give them. 

Stay Tuned for LiveHelpNow’s Software Releases 2022

It’s clear – we had a busy year. As 2021 draws to a close, we’re looking forward to seeing what’s in store for us and our customers in the new year. If you are, too, check out our plans for 2022. We’re cooking up some good stuff that will make LiveHelpNow software even better. 

Apocalypse, who? Business is booming here at LiveHelpNow.  


About The Author

Natalya Bucuy

Natalya Bucuy is a content marketer at LiveHelpNow. With expertise in customer service and marketing, she has written nu...

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