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New Year, New Us: LiveHelpNow Introduces New User Panel

Who does not like a good makeover? 

Gee, after the year we all had, everyone of us deserves one for sure. 

makeover 2021
Makeover for more fierceness in 2021!

To help our customers enter the new year with a new can-do attitude (and to make ourselves feel fantabulous, too), we have spent the last few months of 2020 cooking up some real treats. We’re excited to announce that in the early months of 2021 we will be rolling out our brand-sparkling-new user panel. 

New User Panel Will Help Agents Improve Customer Experience

That’s right! We’re completely redesigning the operator panel. We’re reshaping the layout, giving the new user panel a more modern and user-friendly interface. Based on feedback from our customers we are overhauling the system that optimizes the efficiency for all operators. Our upcoming new features will help agents communicate with customers more efficiently, ensuring smooth, helpful interactions that resolve customer service issues faster than ever before. 

Our development teams are working tirelessly to plan, shape, and test all the new features. We will begin beta testing soon. We plan to then roll out the new user panel in the first quarter of 2021. 

Here is an early beta version of the panel. Check it out:

new user panel full view

And here are some additional details on the upcoming upgrades for the operator panel.

Sneak Peek Feature

Do you ever wish you could read your customers’ mind? 

With our new Sneak Peek feature, customer service agents are one step closer to being able to do just that. The function provides the ability to see what customers are writing before they submit their response. This allows agents the opportunity to respond faster because they can start typing and retrieving information sooner. 

For example, let’s say a customer types “I’m looking for shipping options on the website” in a chat. He or she then takes additional time to type another question or add more information to the inquiry. With the Sneak Peek option, an agent sees the upcoming question ahead of time and can be ready with shipping information details. 

Additionally, the Sneak Peek option can help customer service agents better understand customer sentiment. If a customer types a somewhat angry message, but then deletes it, an agent can come up with a successful strategy to appease the unhappy customer

Dynamic Canned Responses

Answering the same questions repeatedly can be frustrating. That is why canned responses are an important tool in the LiveHelpNow platform. Using canned responses helps agents smoothly manage visitors. While one customer may have a problem to discuss, another may just need some information.  Canned responses help agents shorten their response time by providing useful information on a topic without the need to type it in.

Our new user panel takes the feature of canned responses to the next level. First of all, canned responses will now be more visible in the system layout, allowing agents to find them faster. Additionally, the new system will recommend specific canned responses that fit the conversation based on what the customer has chatted or submitted in a ticket. For example, if a customer asks about pricing, the system will automatically recommend a canned response on pricing. 

canned responses new user panel
Canned responses in the new user panel

Contacts Manager

We know how important it is for customers to have access to omnichannel communications with companies who use our software. That is why we pride ourselves on creating customer service software that facilitates effective omnichannel communications. Additionally, we feel it’s essential to provide a system that keeps track of your entire communication history with a specific customer. That is why we’re expanding our contact management functions in the new user panel. 

The system will store all of the previous customer conversations – chat, text, tickets, and Facebook Messengers. It will make them easily accessible and searchable. Agents will be able to quickly recognize customers that have had previous conversations with the company and review details of those interactions. This expanded function will make proactive follow-up much easier because agents will have all the information they need.

Other LiveHelpNow Improvements and Upgrades.

We love our new user panel and can talk about it all day long. But we have also been working on some additional updates and improvements that will sure make agents’ life easier. And, of course, help them support customers more effectively. 

Here are some additional features that are set to receive a facelift in 2021. 

Proactive SMS Functionality

Our SMS-to-text has been around for a while. It has allowed customers to initiate text messaging with agents. Agents and customers could also transfer their in-chat conversation to text at any point during their communication. 

The new proactive SMS function takes this feature a bit further. Now agents can text customers directly at any time as long as they have their SMS number. This feature is already available in the current LiveHelpNow operator panel and it will make its way into the new panel when it’s released. 

You can find this feature in the existing operator panel by clicking the ‘+New’ button > Text > Entering in their SMS number > type your message > press sent. This is what it will look like in the new panel:

Proactive SMS

The enhanced direct texting function can help agents offer customer support through text in a proactive manner. This, in turn, can help promote personal connections and facilitate customer loyalty.

Phone Solution

We have always focused on digital customer service communications. However, we realized that some customers still prefer the good ol’ telephone…at least the 2021 version. We’ll be launching a modern, cloud-based phone solution that will allow for voice communications with customers right through the LiveHelpNow operator panel. If you want to let customers connect with you by voice through your website or convert a live chat to voice, we’re working on those features and much more.


Chatbot Upgrade

Don’t get us wrong. Above anything else, we, here, at LiveHelpNow value live agents and the personal touch they give every customer. However, we believe a bit of help from a smart and efficient chatbot can save a company time and money. Chatbots are not here to steal agents’ jobs, but instead they can aid them in their communications with customers


In 2021, we plan to introduce multiple improvements to our existing chatbot technology. Among those improvements will be a modern and easy to use interface to program our existing bot. This will help companies provide excellent self-help support for their customers. Additionally, we’re going to upgrade our bot so that it can retrieve information from other systems (like a CRM or eCommerce store). 

Analytics Dashboards

In the upcoming update, LiveHelpNow will introduce configurable dashboards for contact centers and help desks to display real-time information about the performance of their operations. Everything LiveHelpNow reports on can be added to the dashboard. Total number of chats, length of chats, LiveHelpNow Challenge score, and average response time are just some examples of what the dashboards can display. Each stat on the dashboard will correspond to the dashboard time frame on which it is set up to report daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. 

analytics dashboard

New Year, New User Panel, New Happy Customers

We don’t know what 2021 has in store for us (and we’re probably too scared to speculate). But at LiveHelpNow we see nothing but smooth sailing ahead. With our new user panel, easy to use interface, and improvements to our already popular features, we know we can bring success and prosperity to our customers. So hop on board, buckle in, and let’s check out the unchartered waters of business in 2021!

New user panel boat




About The Author

Natalya Bucuy

Natalya Bucuy is a content marketer at LiveHelpNow. With expertise in customer service and marketing, she has written nu...

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