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Guest Post: 9 Mobile Optimization Mistakes to Avoid in eCommerce Space

Do you need a new bike? A book? Groceries? Phone service? If you do, it is likely you will first go to the place where most people go first to shop for these goods and services. 

Online. And it is very likely that you will use your mobile device to do that. 

The world of eCommerce is quickly evolving. Of all the changes that it is experiencing, none is as vital as the overwhelming increase in mobile searches. Today, more than 51% of internet users use their mobile phones to do online shopping. Additionally, six out of ten online shoppers believe that the ability to use a mobile device is a critical factor when it comes to purchasing decisions. 

The explosion of mobile shopping and mobile searches is shaping the eCommerce sector. It does not matter whether you are a newbie or an established brick-and-mortar store. If you do not have a mobile-friendly website, you are missing out on a lot. 

Most eCommerce merchants know the significance of having a mobile-friendly site. But as businesses rush to optimize their websites for mobile use, they must be careful to avoid blunders that could be costly to their success. Here are some common mobile optimization mistakes for which to watch out. 

1. Ignoring the One Finger, One hand Rule

one finger

Mobile operations work differently from desktop ones. 

It’s important to remember that mobile interactions happen by finger touches and not cursors. Most mobile users prefer using their thumbs to navigate through mobiles, and the fact that thumb sizes vary puts businesses in a critical position of knowing which button sizes to use. Users should not struggle to try to use two hands to magnify the sizes of website buttons. Most people prefer using one hand when navigating through a mobile site, and the need for them to use two buttons might inconvenience them. 

Not completely understanding how customers use their devices to browse is one of the common mobile optimization mistakes. Making it easy for users to scroll through websites and apps with one hand and make purchases with one finger is an essential practice.

2. Ignoring Security Features


Safety first! Mobile security is not something to take lightly.

Verizon’s 2020 Mobile Security Index now reveals that 43% of organizations ended up sacrificing their mobile security in 2019. The same report further shows that those organizations that sacrificed their security were twice as likely to experience a data breach. 

Security is now a significant issue that should never be overlooked. Websites for eCommerce businesses are now the primary targets because they make sales and deal with a lot of money. Having a layered approach to mobile security is the right way to go. Ensure that you have firewalls, install an SSL certificate, and stay current with software updates. Also, use secure forms for sensitive information and encourage your customers to use strong passwords. 

Having a SSL certificate is an important piece of mobile cybersecurity. The SSL certificate is what will encrypt the communication between your servers and your users’ browsers. It helps secure all the sensitive information that users share with the company, such as their critical financial details. Ensure that you acquire one from a trusted Certificate Authority and make your website secure. Are you on a tight budget? Fear not, because you can buy cheap SSL from ClickSSL, which are of premium quality and offer the utmost security.

Never ignore the security of your eCommerce website if you want to succeed. Doing things in a rush just because you want to match your competitors and forgetting to install proper security measures puts your eCommerce store on the hackers’ path. It might just be a matter of time before you are a victim of a devastating cyber breach. 

3. Using Wrong Fonts

mobile optimization mistakes fonts

Mobile devices vary in size. The text on a website or mobile application must come in a standard font that is compatible with all device sizes. Tiny text is definitely a flaw to avoid. As much as the font size might look like a less weighty issue, its impact on conversion rates is substantial. 

Poor design is one of the fatal mobile optimization mistakes businesses can make. When texts are too difficult to read, web visitors are more likely to leave the site and move on to competitors’ sites. This leads to increased bounce rates and low conversion rates. 

You have to ensure that your website has an ideal font size that your visitors can comfortably read when looking at their mobile devices from a comfortable position. 

Most recommended text size is 16 pixels, as it is the ideal font size for mobile texts. Anything below or above that will prompt users to have to zoom or pinch the text 

4. Failing to Incorporate the One-Click Ordering Feature

one click

Reducing the customer efforts and the hassle they have to go through when ordering and paying for their purchases on your website is essential. Lengthy purchasing procedures and failure to incorporate the one-click ordering feature on websites makes web experience more difficult. This will put a dent in the customers’ purchasing experience. 

Offer options for users to save essential details beforehand and help them reduce the efforts of having to enter the same details for every purchase. After all, simplicity and ease of transactions communicates respect for customer time. And respect is one of the basic psychological principles of excellent customer experience

5. Not Providing A Mobile Application Version

mobile optimization

The task of creating a mobile app can seem daunting. However, knowing today’s mobile app design trends and incorporating them can help dramatically improve customer experience.  

Modern technology offers powerful solutions for mobile app development. Mobile applications and efficient eCommerce platforms have become irresistible components of every eCommerce business. They open doors through which eCommerce stores can reach out to new customers. In 2019, consumers downloaded 204 billion mobile applications, and that number has been climbing ever since. The trend presents a rare opportunity that could lead businesses to success. 

Mobile applications can enhance your customers’ experience, increase conversion rates, help brand recognition, save time, among many other benefits. Not creating one can prove to be one of serious mobile optimization mistakes. 

6. Unsatisfactory Optimization of UI/UX


Another one of the most common optimization mistakes includes failure to test. 

Optimizing for mobile devices is an essential and proactive way that can make or break user experience. Website optimization for mobile should ensure that all the sizes of all icons and buttons are standard, so that users can easily click on them. Checking mobile applications across multiple browsers, screen resolutions, and mobile devices can help ensure that they are compatible. 

7. Forgetting to Integrate the Save Cart Feature


Not integrating a save-cart feature on your eCommerce website or application reduces sales. 

Cart abandonment is a common occurrence. For whatever reasons, customers sometimes do not go through with their purchases. If you do not have a save cart option, perhaps that could be the end of a potential transaction. A save cart option leverages push notifications. An application or website can remind customers about their incomplete purchase and prompt them to complete it. Adding in some discounts could nudge the customer to complete the purchase. Expect a boost in your sales revenue if you have this feature. 

8. Failing to Utilize the Voice Search Feature

voice feature

In today’s digital era, the voice search feature is one of the most needed features. Its use is apparent in many technical aspects. According to eMarketer, a third of the US population is now using the Voice Search feature. The huge use of a voice search presents eCommerce websites with the opportunity to capitalize on the huge customer base. It is a clarion call for all eCommerce websites to integrate it into their websites and mobile applications. 

9. Not Utilizing Unique Mobile Customer Service Tools


Whether customers are using their desktops or mobile devices to interact with an eCommerce business, customer service remains an important part of their experiences. Tools such as mobile-friendly live chat and ability to text customers can take customer experience to the next level. Additionally, social media integrations allow customers to connect with a company right on social media platforms, once again, making it easy to engage. Companies that make omnichannel communications with customers effortless stand out among competition. 

Avoiding Mobile Optimization Mistakes is Essential

Mobile use has been steadily increasing. The time spent browsing eCommerce websites on mobile devices has now surpassed those on desktops. Mobile conversions are on the rise, prompting eCommerce business owners to go mobile. 

Avoiding common mobile optimization mistakes listed above can help eCommerce businesses thrive. After all, providing seamless customer experience is key in any business. So, design well, test, ensure utmost security, incorporate efficient tools, and include features that make experience easy and mobile friendly.

About The Author

Natalya Bucuy

Natalya Bucuy is a content marketer at LiveHelpNow. With expertise in customer service and marketing, she has written nu...

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