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3 Situations When a Business Call Is Better than Email

No matter how much information you put into your website, packaging, or user manuals, clients will always run into issues while using your product or service. 

Handling their requests professionally sets up your brand for further success. And it starts with small gestures, such as choosing call or email to connect with them on a deeper level or sending a long explanation email. 

We are firm believers that both ways work well in certain circumstances, but there are some situations when calls have unbeatable advantages. Let’s dive into three main scenarios that testify to this.

Should You Call Or E-mail? (What To Do In EVERY Situation!)

Call is Better Than Email When You Are Focused on Building Relationships

Phone calls remain the go-to option if your purpose is to build and nurture relationships with customers or employees. Compared to emails, a call touches more senses on the other person than an email does. Your voice conveys more emotions than words and emojis.

Building relationships with people becomes easier when they’re able to sense your emotions. Earning the trust of colleagues or customers is easier when they hear your voice and understand you’re a real human, not simply a bot sending automated responses.

Emails limit your options. Even when you personalize email communications they can flow in a more distinct way than an addressee thinks. Through phone calls, you can speak to them about their specific issues and come up with helpful responses on the spot. This is impossible through emails.  

Call is Better Than Email When Dealing with Lots of Questions and Suggestions

Answering all of a person’s questions in detail is easier and less time-consuming during a phone call than it is through an email. Leveraging a cloud-based phone system allows businesses to streamline communication, enabling instant, flexible, and professional responses to customer inquiries without delays caused by email exchanges. It also brings more pressure and anxiety to the conversation.    

Instead of answering a lot of questions over a long period of time, it’s better to jump on a call and clarify the issues. Also, you can receive direct suggestions from your customers or employees, so you won’t need to compose questionnaires.

Call is Better Than Email When Time Is Limited

Checking mailboxes and responding to emails may take up to 28% of an employee’s weekly working hours. No matter how good you are at skimming, sorting out your inbox requires time. By using calls you can build a customer retention strategy that’s way more efficient in terms of time.

In certain time-sensitive matters, when you feel that there will be more questions after your email, you can opt for a phone call to resolve everything quickly. For example, when you are dealing with customer frustration, it’s better to call and resolve the issue quickly. So, by choosing a call, you eliminate the risk that your email will end up in the spam folder and the client will not receive due care. But when you want to follow up, it’s better to send a business email.

Choosing Between VoIP Systems and Landline Phone Systems 

Now that you know when to prioritize calls over other means of communication, you must choose the type of technology that best fits your business needs. Phone system options include VoIP and landlines, and each has its own distinct features.

Using A VoIP System

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) started developing in 2003, and it’s a technology that provides you with communication options by using the internet instead of a traditional landline. Prominent companies that provide VoIP phone as a service include Aircall, Skype, Google Hangouts, Facebook Messenger, Nextiva, Zoiper, WhatsApp, Viber, and Google Voice. (Don’t forget, LiveHelpNow is launching its own cloud-based phone system in the near future!)

The Pros of Using VoIP 

VoIP is the most reasonable calling technology to use if you plan on establishing a call-based communication structure. These are a few advantages of implementing this technology

  • Low cost. Adopting VoIP service for your business costs approximately $20 per line, whilst using traditional landlines could cost up to $50 per line. 
  • Connection anywhere. It’s not limited by international borders; with simply an internet connection, you can call from anywhere. 
  • Sound quality. VoIP technology stops the annoying sounds and amplifies voice quality thanks to advanced audio compressions and noise-canceling microphones. 
  • Technology. The advanced VoIP technology comes with several helpful features, allowing you to multitask and strategize your calls while waiting in the queue.

The Cons of Using VoIP 

As with any type of technology, VoIP has its own disadvantages when dealing with the installation process and the fact that it requires a stable internet connection.

  • Complex Installation. Moving from traditional phone lines to installing VoIP for your business requires time and experts to deal with it. 
  • Internet dependence. Not having a reliable internet connection alters the quality of VoIP calls, and this is concerning in cases when you travel and have no access to strong internet service.

Using Landline Systems

Landlines are the traditional communication devices that use hardwired lines. We can find them in two technologies: analog and digital devices. Analog landlines use simple copper wires, namely POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service), and the digital ones mainly use fiber optics. 

The Pros of Landline Providers 

People still use landline providers because they possess obvious benefits as opposed to VoIP service providers. 

  • Reliability. In cases of emergencies, landlines tend to be more accessible, and they offer good sound quality since they’re not dependent on the force of a connection. 
  • Consistent quality. Landlines are fixed in one place, delivering the same quality on a consistent basis. 

The Cons of Landline Providers

Landlines have their own disadvantages, which led to the creation of VoIP providers. 

  • Technology. Having wires makes it difficult to move around, and if one sustains damage you’ll need to wait for repair before you’re able to call again. 
  • Higher Costs. The costs of setting up one landline are higher than VoIP setup. 

Pick the system that best matches your business infrastructure. However, considering the features of each one, it’s fair to say that VoIP could adapt to businesses in need of strong and reliable communication. With the world going digital, VoIP offers flexibility and a more reliable calling system. Also, conduct a skill gap analysis to see whether your team is ready to add calls to their means of communication.

Sometimes a Call is Better than Email

Using calls over emails is ideal for urgent matters. Sometimes even sending a quick text spares the time of writing a long formal email. Having a back-and-forth conversation through email is time-consuming.

Calls show more emotions and let you connect with your employees or customers on a deeper level. Whether you decide to use landlines or VoIP service providers, prepare yourself before the call and keep notes. 


About The Author

Natalya Bucuy

Natalya Bucuy is a content marketer at LiveHelpNow. With expertise in customer service and marketing, she has written nu...

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