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Rebranding for Better Customer Support Agent Experience

“Who are we?”

It seems like a simple question. But it isn’t. It holds a lot of power as it prompts some serious soul digging. What does the question ask, exactly –  our name, what we do, our values, our vision, our goals? Well, it probably does all of the above. 

We here at LiveHelpNow have explored this question thoroughly for the last 6 months. We undertook a task that made us explore ourselves inside and out – rebranding. 

Why Rebrand?

The simple answer to this question is that it was time for us to get a facelift. Our website, for example, became a little difficult to navigate. We also understood that our website has always been more than a front store window to attract new customers. It has always been a resource for those customers already using our products and solutions. To improve their experiences, we knew we needed to do some updating. After all, the customer experience begins with the employee experience. So we wanted to make the customer support agent experience our priority. 

“How it feels to work at a company is also how it feels to be a customer there. If employees feel empowered and valued at a company, customers will also feel the same way. But if employees feel overworked and frustrated, those same feelings will come through to customers.” Blake Morgan, Customer Experience Expert.

And so, we are waving goodbye to the little LiveHelpNow stick-figure who flew around our website for years. (Bye, dude!) Please take a moment of silence for the stick-figure guy. 

bye old website

Redefining Our Mission Through Rebrand 

As we mentioned in the introduction, rebranding really makes a company focus on self-identity, company mission, and direction. And so we reviewed our history, motivations, and what it is we’re trying to accomplish. In this process, we overhauled our website, our logo, and the ways in which we would communicate our vision, mission, and values. 

Our mission consists of three parts, each intertwined with the others, all to create a new, exciting direction for LiveHelpNow. 

You’re Always on Our Minds

First of all, we live, breathe, and wake up every day with the purpose of making agents’ jobs easier. Of course, we design our software with the end-users – our customer’s customers – in mind. But we know that customer experience heavily depends on agent experience. After all, happy customer support agents are the ones that create happy customer experiences

Over the last year, we have been working on some pretty exciting software projects. From custom DIY chatbot-building interface to a complete overhaul of our Agent and Admin Workplaces (formerly, admin and operator panels), we have been improving the customer support tools for our customers. 

We truly believe that our new and improved tools will help agents serve customers better by improving agent experiences. After all, customers are becoming more demanding and support inquiries volumes are increasing. Companies need to work harder to attract and keep customer support agents. They also must implement the right tools to prevent agent burnout, eliminate errors, and make agents’ jobs easier. Our improved tools will keep teams engaged, challenged, and delighting customers. 

To accomplish the important mission of improving agent experience we offer the most seamless agent workplace on the market. Our easy-to-use and intuitive features keep all the important tools at the agents’ fingertips. From customer records, to chat tools, to features such as sneak peek and canned responses, the Agent Workspace is truly a state-of-the-art system that is designed with agent experience in mind. 

Agent workspace

Easy to Watch Over

Second, we understand that for agents to feel good about themselves and their work, their supervisors must provide the tools to optimize their operations. And so we worked to create a strong analytics system to provide operational leaders with cutting-edge business insights and data. Additionally, our Admin Workspace provides an organized panel where admins can adjust settings and access their team performance information to drive efficiencies for a better customer experience. 

Admin workspace

Omnichanneling for Better Experiences

Lastly, throughout the rebrand, we really wanted to focus on the omnichannel nature of our solutions’ capabilities. We truly believe that omnichannel solutions create delightful experiences for both, our customers and our customers’ customers. Our omnichannel solutions are easy to implement, scalable, and customizable. Visitors can interact with agents through any channel all within one user interface. Access to pertinent customer information or additional conversations is only ever just a few clicks away.

Visitors can quickly connect via chat, SMS, email, ticket, self-help, or voice for help. Agent tasks and customer interactions can be automated for speed and to reduce errors.  The interface loads and updates fast, eliminating any need for customers to wait or for agents to spend any time searching for information or accessing specific tools. Once again, better agent experience leads to better customer experience. 

New Logo to Highlight Out Mission 

Once we discovered who we are, where we have been, and where we’re going, we got to work on the details of how to deliver these messages to our customers. Our logo was one of the first things we reshaped to do just that. 

If you know the story behind LiveHelpNow, you know that our company started in the basement of our CEO, Micahel Kansky. Michael sought a way to improve customer service to website visitors in various industries through live chat. And so our logo reflected that. 

Old LHN logo

However, since our brand grew and so did the array of tools LiveHelpNow provides. Since its inception, our support solutions have grown to include omnichannel communication software, analytics, chatbot, ticketing, self-service tools, and more but also services to improve the performance of contact centers and customer support teams. 

And so, we wanted our new logo to reflect our multi-services approach as well as communicate our company’s mission and identity of a one-stop-shop for customer support solutions. Here it is, bright and shiny!

new LHN logo

“There are synergies with our sister company’s, HelpSquad, logo to show we’re one united team focused around being the premier provider of customer support and contact center solutions,” our COO, Jason O’Neill says about our new logo. “We make it easy for businesses of any size to provide 24 x 7 x 365 support with AI-powered software and world-class services they will love.”

Website Rebrand: Personalized Experience

In 2022, all customers, regardless of industry appreciate and expect one thing – personalization. Personalized customer experience is a staple. 

Personalized CX

And so, when we dove into our rebrand, we wanted to create personalized experiences for our customers everywhere, including our website. Now, when visitors arrive on our home page, a unique splash page greets them with choices. 

agent experience

After all, we understand that one size does not fit all. By selecting one of the categories that best describe our customers’ roles, they get to experience parts of our site that target their specific pain points and provide the best solutions for them. We understand our customers and we want them to know that. 

“We approached this rebrand by keeping in mind that every one of our customers is unique and has different needs,” says Jessica Wise, the content creator behind the website rebrand. “Whether they’re seeking help with customer support, lead generation, or  help desk, we want them to be able to choose their own path to success by telling us what they want and what they need.”

Website Rebrand: Modern Look and Organization 

Whichever path our website visitors take, they will surely have a smooth browsing experience. That is because our new menus, pages, descriptions, case studies, and all other elements are organized and discovered easily. The site design and layout just, well, make sense. 

agent experience: solutions

“We’ve streamlined the entire website with our customers in mind, making it easier to navigate and easy-to-use,” Wise says about the layout. “Our navigation menu is now more specific and will allow users to find their way to the information they need without getting lost or frustrated.”

agent experience: products

In addition to the reorganized menus and pages that describe our products and solutions in detail, we dedicated a separate page to Customer Success. There, our visitors will have an opportunity to understand exactly how our software has helped so many businesses in various ways. 

customer success stories

Our new resource menu provides a list of useful finds that also help our visitors discover more about the world of customer support. From blog posts on relative topics to webinars and integration downloads, everything is organized neatly. The resource menu is truly a great tool for our existing customer support agents, as they can find everything they need to do their jobs at their fingertips. 


Don’t forget to check out our new pricing structure, too! The pricing page is easily accessible from the menu at the top of the page, complete with detailed package descriptions and FAQs. 

Agents for Hire: HelpSquad

With all our wonderful tools, we know that sometimes business owners just have way too much on their plates. We get it. That is why we have professional customer support agents standing by to assist your customers when you simply cannot. Be it an after-hour help you need, a lack of available people to work your communication channels, or simply a need for a few extra agents, we got you covered. Our sister company, HelpSqaud, offers a team of professionally trained live chat agents that will answer your customers’ live chat, text, and Facebook Messenger inquiries 24/7/365. 


Agent Test: Thank You For Calling 

While our Thank Your For Calling tool is not new, it now can be easily accessed through our Resources menu. If you’re not familiar with it, do take some time to check it out. It is an efficient tool that can help contact centers screen and test their agents. It can also help agents test and improve their own live chat skills. And, of course, the more skilled they are, the better their agent experience will be. 

thank you for calling

Rebrand for a Better Customer Support Agent Experience

If we had to define the mission of LiveHelpNow in one word we would use this one: agents. Our main focus has always been and remains to be the customer support agents that use our software. Everything we do, every button, menu, and function we design, we create with our customers, the agents, in mind. 

And so we went through our rebrand with the same focus in mind. We hope our new modern look and layout of the website as well as of our Workspaces and other software features will help make customer support agents’ jobs easier. 

The customers who contact customer support agents can be frustrating, irritating, demanding. They can drive customer support agents mad. We get it. We hope that our improvements can make life and work a bit easier. 


About The Author

Natalya Bucuy

Natalya Bucuy is a content marketer at LiveHelpNow. With expertise in customer service and marketing, she has written nu...

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