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LiveHelpNow - Small Business Blog

This blog provides valuable insights and actionable strategies to help small businesses thrive in today’s competitive landscape. From marketing and support to operations and beyond, our aim is to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed.

Are you losing customers and bleeding profits?

05/12/2011       By: Natalya Bucuy

If a number of your customers are saying something along the lines of “I am not buying from you again” it does not mean that your products or service offerings are bad. You can be perfect ...

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How to increase website traffic and how to convert it with SEO

03/02/2010       By: Natalya Bucuy

There are many ways to increase visitor traffic to your website and there are many ways to convert it. In Part I we will talk about probably most popular (because it is usually free), yet time consumi...

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How can live chat help auto dealers?

01/22/2010       By: Natalya Bucuy

The latest tactic that car dealerships are using to increase sales and pull in repeat customers is an up close and personal method of communication via the dealership’s web site called “live c...

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“Between the quality of the package and the enthusiasm of the people behind it, I feel like the sky’s the limit with this company.”
- Joel Levin, VP of Support