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6 Ways to Use Live Chat for Product Launch

Customers expect immediate answers once they are ready to buy the product. 

When it comes to online sales, and especially in moments when the product day launch comes, meeting this expectation can be quite challenging.

Live chat integration provides both businesses and customers with real-time communication and the benefits they’re looking for. Here is how the combination of automated and proactive communication can boost your sales.

Timing Is Everything When It Comes to Closing Sales

Pre-launching marketing activities should imply carefully created content, landing page, and visuals by a professional digital branding agency. All these preparations must aim to drive more traffic to your website.

No doubt, quality design, content, and landing pages will help your product to sell better.  But you’ll need one more step to close the deal.

No matter how well you described, photographed, or visually showcased the product, the users will always have an extra question. This is especially true because there won’t be previous users and online reviews to prove the quality.

Source: Superoffice

That’s why you’ll have an increased number of questions regarding the product’s features and other characteristics. As expected, email and phone support won’t be enough to cover all of the inquiries or provide real-time communication with the clients.

And if you miss to answer them at the very moment they were ready to get that information, it is most likely you’ll lose them.

Communicating with prospects when they are up to finish the purchase is essential to close the sales. Use live chat for product launch and see how live chat integration can help you make the most out of product release.

Let Your Staff Proactively Chat with Potential Clients in the First Couple of Days

As a recent study showed, prospects are 80% more likely to proceed and finish the purchase after chatting with an agent and getting the answers they are seeking.

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” – Bill Gates, Microsoft Founder

So, the day the product is launched, make sure that more staff will be assigned to answer the live chat questions in order to identify the intent and close the deal.

Google Analytics will be a helpful tool in learning the peak hours enabling the team to focus on chat support. Although many questions can be automated, a proactive human approach could definitely help in closing sales using LiveHelpNow chat.

Reduce Response Times to the Minimum

Keeping the response time as short as possible is vital to keeping the prospects’ interest high. Remember, they want an answer immediately. They don’t want to lose their time waiting on your response while you’re trying to find info regarding the product.

For that reason, use chat software with integrations that imply:

  • Live chat features
  • Email and call management
  • Knowledge management (a base of automated answers regarding the products info, for example)

Having these features at your disposal will accelerate the response times. It will also help the staff answer their inquiries more efficiently.

Jump to Help the Customers Who Struggle to Finish the Purchase

The average cart abandonment rate is 69,57%, which is vast. There are many reasons people leave the cart, from too long check-out processes to a lack of payment methods.

Source: Statista

Luckily, the integration of live chats to the check-out page can help you beat the shopping cart abandonment trend and increase the number of online sales.

By using online chat support, the agents will be able to resolve all the dilemmas, give needed instructions, or push the shopper to finish the purchase.

Granting them a discount or free shipping will definitely positively influence customers to proceed with the payment.

Observe What Words Your Customers Use 

Keyword research and content strategy are definitely some of the most important parts of boosting the business. Live chat can help you understand how your customers describe your products, what words they use, and what questions they frequently ask.

All this can help you optimize the content according to their perspective. Also, you’ll be able to enhance the strategy that will help your page rank in search engines.

Merging Live Chat with Your Email Provider, CMS, or CRM

Once you integrate the live chat with your email provider, you will easily transfer the data of the person you chatted with to your database. This way, the names, and email addresses will be assigned to the right newsletter group.

Once the promotional season comes, you’ll be able to send the email to that person. (Still, don’t forget to make sure everything is in accordance with GDPR and ask for a subscription first).

The principle is pretty the same as the CMS or CRM. And the best thing of all is the integration process takes a couple of minutes. So, don’t miss taking these advantages.

Use Chatbots to Communicate with Customers and Boost Sales

Like recent studies show, chatbots have the potential to increase sales by 67%.

Chatbots in retail are enjoying a surge due to the omnipresence of messaging apps. Retail brands are using these platforms to bridge the gap between online and offline experiences. By leveraging the ability to build a chatbot on these platforms, brands are engaging with their customers in a more conversational setting.

Pamela Kokoszka, Retail Insight Network

Chatbots are AI software programmed to communicate with customers depending on the type of their inquiry and the business you’re in.

Besides AI chatbots stimulating communication, they also have many more features. These may include delegating special inquiries to specific departments based on keyword recognition.

They are also programmed to send email notifications and schedule meetings with clients automatically. This will increase efficiency in the organization and help you cut operational costs by 30%.

Ready to Use Live Chat for Product Launch and Meet All Customers Expectations?

Remember – it’s all about the user in 2021 and years to come. The customer experience and user-friendliness on your website are crucial points that will drive your sales and business reputation.

So, the next time you’re about to launch a new product, don’t miss integrating the live chat into your website and providing the customer with an immediate answer.

Not only will this make your website more interactive and user-friendly, but your prospects to close the deal will be significantly higher.

Use live chat for product launch. It will help you build the standards, cut costs, and be more competitive in the market.


About The Author

Natalya Bucuy

Natalya Bucuy is a content marketer at LiveHelpNow. With expertise in customer service and marketing, she has written nu...

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