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How to slash thousands of dollars from customer service budgets..

and deliver the same levels of service as before?

This post is meant for you if you have a website and

  • Sell products or services that generate a lot of customers’ questions
  • Need to deliver post sales service to customers
  • Run a help desk

I won’t kid- the customer service department sometimes seems like a black hole as far as money and time is concerned. You have to continuously devote resources to it but you won’t see immediate gains in new customers and sales.

But technology can get you out of that hopeless state of affairs.

I have already talked about live chat and ticketing systems in the two prior posts. Both of these systems are good in their own ways, but at times they may not be enough.

Knowledge base management systems?

For example, suppose that you have just spent 30 minutes on chat walking your customer through a particularly knotty problem. And this is the third time it has happened in the past two days.

60 minutes wasted, gone with the wind. Multiply this by your hourly rate and the number of times it can happen in the future and the math will start to scare you.

Wouldn’t it be swell if you could solve the problem once, copy the entire solution and paste it into a section of your website that you can call FAQ or knowledge base?

Take another scenario: Your customer is facing a problem that needs immediate attention. But as luck would have it, your live chat is offline (people need sleep; 24x7x365 support will jack up costs) and the ticketing route is not instantaneous.

What do you think he is going to do? If he is lucky or savvy a Google search might help him. But he is gonna stew, and possibly fire off some angry tweets about how anemic your website is in terms of support.

So how can you get out of this mess?

Implement a knowledge base management system. Here is how you can make it work for you

  • Use chat transcripts and email-tickets to create authoritative articles that solve customer problems
  • Cut down on the number of help desk calls and serve more customers without investing in more service reps
  • Get a treasure trove of useful and valuable content that will increase your site’s visibility in search engine results
  • Reduce the duration of help desk calls, and also increase the rate of call resolutions at the first contact
  • See what articles and keywords are highly searched or rated. Use this information as a way to tweak your site and even your offerings
  • Cut down the training time of new hires by using internal knowledge bases

Did I mention that you don’t have to pay annual maintenance fees and go through painful upgrades or even hire a tech to look after these solutions? If you can email and open an excel document you are going to operate it just fine.

These knowledge base solutions are hosted on the cloud and keep on providing customer service all around the clock.

If you are serious about providing quality customer service without investing an arm and a leg you would love these systems.

Where do we come in?

At LiveHelpNow, we have designed our knowledge base system so that’s it’s tightly integrated with our other customer service offerings like the live chat system and the ticketing solution.

With our service you can do all the things listed above, and more.

For example, want your knowledge base system to blend in with your site so that it has the same look and feel? Check. Want the URL to be customizable? Double check.

If you like what you see feel free to sign up for a no strings attached 30 day free trial of our award winning customer support management suite. And if you want to sign up you are going be paying as little as $21 per month.

You just can’t go wrong with that investment.

About The Author

Natalya Bucuy

Natalya Bucuy is a content marketer at LiveHelpNow. With expertise in customer service and marketing, she has written nu...

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