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Four tagging tips to make the most of every chat

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You may already have read about the usefulness of chat tags. With LiveHelpNow’s analytical features, tagging chats let operators track what their customers’ needs are and respond appropriately. For example, if you’ve tagged lots of chats as “product question,” that trend may signal that your product page or knowledge base doesn’t have enough information up front or isn’t clear enough. A high number of “service complaint” tags suggest there’s a larger problem to be addressed.

Much like creating categories for knowledge base, organizing chat tags is essential if you want to get the most out of your system. Too many tags create clutter and won’t narrow your focus down to overall trends. Too few can also spread the focus too far and won’t identify specific, solvable problems.

To get the most out of your chat tag statistics, follow these tips:

1. Keep the number low…

Having a high number of very specific tags doesn’t allow your analytical stats to capture large trends in customer queries or complaints. In other words, your pie chart will look like this:

By 84user, via Wikimedia Commons









Instead of this:

By Richard Aster (New Mexico Tech) from Wikimedia Commons










Identify unifying themes across your chats to use as labels. If you want to see the finer details, peruse the transcripts instead of relying on too-narrow tags. If you’re using more than 10 tags, think about where you can consolidate.

2. … but encompass all areas of your business.

Think of all the behind the scenes work that goes into running your business. Try creating tags that would cover every function performed by your staff. You carefully set prices and payment schedules for your customers, so use a tag to designate chats about the dollars and cents of a purchase. You may be focusing resources on a particular advertising campaign; create a tag for chats responding to an ad or asking about a promotional deal, so you can track the campaign’s effectiveness. And at the end of the day, your product or service is your business’s moneymaker, so create tags that deal with both questions, praises, or complaints that deal directly with your wares. Use these to locate bugs in your product and decide where to focus on improvement.

3. Stay flexible.

The tags you create are not set in stone. You may find over time that your classifications don’t make sense for your needs. Maybe certain tags are used so rarely that you replace a handful with one “miscellaneous” tag. Or perhaps a specific question about payment method has come up so often that you create a new tag and separate it from the more general billing queries. Adjust your tags as your business changes.

4. Keep a junk drawer.

Speaking of miscellaneous, don’t fear the junk drawer. It may seem like an abyss of clutter in your kitchen, but it’s a useful way to categorize unique chats that don’t fit in other groups. This will help keep your tag count low and your tracking efforts more organized.


Bonus Tip: Have Fun!

Your website visitors can’t see your chat tags, so feel free to be creative with the labels. Don’t like seeing the word “complaints” in your statistics? Call them the “Debbie Downers” (or something like that) instead. It serves the same purpose, but with a lighter tone.

About The Author

Natalya Bucuy

Natalya Bucuy is a content marketer at LiveHelpNow. With expertise in customer service and marketing, she has written nu...

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