Looking for an easy way to connect with your customers? Remind them of their positive experience with your brand by sending them a copy of their latest chat transcript. You can even link a survey to the email and get valuable customer feedback.
Haven’t setup any surveys yet?
Create one in Admin panel -> Chat system -> System setup -> Surveys.
To start using this feature, follow the steps below:
1. Please check that you have correctly mapped an “Email” prechat field on the prechat form to “Email” CRM field in Admin panel -> Chat system -> Customization -> Pre-chat requirements so our system can use it to email a chat transcript to the customer. Explore the benefits of mapping CRM fields.
2. Make sure that “Email customers chat transcript automatically upon chat completion” is checked in Admin panel -> Chat system -> System setup -> System settings.
3. Choose which survey should be emailed to the customer in the “Include link to satisfaction survey?” section of “Email transcript”. You may use HTML tags to format a “Please submit survey” message.
Admin panel -> Chat system -> Customization -> System messages.
If you’re wondering what this post applies to then check out the LiveHelpNow live chat system for more information.